Three years ago today I was counting down my last month to these boys being born.
One month before delivery
Three weeks before delivery
Two weeks before delivery - and we had a birthday
Last few posts before birth
Final stretch

I can't believe we are one month away from these boys' birthday. The boys have become such a cute tight knit group. If one of them wakes up before the others, when the other two wake up they are so upset that there is a missing brother. They will go to his bed and I'll hear them over the monitor "Where's Lawrence!? I can't see him!"
We went easter egg hunting and they all had to compare eggs.


Antonio - you are working so hard on your speech therapy and you love doing all of the projects. All we need to do is tell you that Shannon is coming over, and you quickly get dressed, wolf down your breakfast and start jumping around and laughing with excitement. You love to cut with the blue scissors, play with stickers, paint, and play with your animals.

You have gotten quite contrary in the past few weeks. Despite this cute smile here, beneath lies a very very determined little boy. If everyone is painting you DON'T WANT TO DO IT! If everyone is going to take a bath you NOT TAKING A BATH! If we are having chicken you want meatballs. Bedtime has been rough and we've had to resort to staying in the room with you all until you fall asleep otherwise you instigate the group to jump from bed to bed.

Lawrence - you love to give kisses and hugs. Whenever we go to a playground, you find a girl to try and talk to. At easter you kept trying to show all the girls "the big trucks" you were playing with and were sad when they weren't interested. You are a bit of an instigator with your brothers - like to get really really close when they don't want to play. You said "i'm NOOOOOT touching."
Last month of the twos. Three here we come.