We were so lucky to be invited to my friend's house to celebrate Thanksgiving. Every good holiday evening should start with a fabulous (and strong) festively colored martini.
My brother and his wife Brook came to spend the holiday with us. Amelia was thrilled to have all of these lovely ladies in her life on a day when we are so thankful for all that we have. I was mostly thankful that I was not responsible for anything other than wine and cheese and that I have friends good enough that they invite my whole crazy brood to their beautiful home for the holiday.
Julie - the best holiday cook ever and a wonderful friend!
After the Thanksgiving holiday, we took the kids to a Santa Brunch - a great opportunity to try and get a photo of the boys with Santa. Many of you have seen some of the highlights of the photos of the boys, but here is the full set. Unfortuntately, my camera had NO memory left when we arrived at the Santa Brunch - so all photos are iPhone classic.
"Oh dear god, what is happening?"
Full on lower lip action for the win!
Harris, giant baby #2 is already wearing out Santa.
"Maybe if I twist to the side I can make a break for it!"
Here, Harris is signing with his little hands like crazy "ALL DONE! ALL DONE!"
Antonio has the best cry face. And he's the loudest...
"Mama! Save me!"
And here's my angel girl - she wouldn't sit on Santa's lap but she posed next to him and showed her brothers how it is done.
After the kids photos, we went to sit in the other room and the boys were happy to be far far from Santa. However, he did a loop and came into the room where we were. The boys immediately started waving and pointing at the door and shouting "bye bye! BYE! BYE!!!" Santa wasn't hurt and got the hint.
Amelia wrote letters to Santa on her own behalf as well as on behalf of her brothers:
Amelia's letter:
Antonio: Dear Santa, I want a Steeler's binky and a ball. I also want a pair of gloves and new socks. Love, Antonyo (sic) :-)
Harris letter was a little deep and sad: I want (Dear Santa) a bag, a hat, a book, and a friend. I am lonely. I do have my brothers and my sissy but I want to have a friend not a sibling. Love, Harris.
For Lawrence - Amelia apparently incorporated a bit of his sassy attitude, and recognizing his intelligence. Mr. C., I want some math flash cards, a blanket, a pen, and new pants. Your baby, Lawrence.
We rounded out the holiday week with a party at a friends house. The boys wore their new cozy sweatshirts. I think this photo perfectly captures each of the boys' personalities.
Antonio (red) : hmmmm... is there something over there for me? Is it a ball? Please say it's a ball for me.
Lawrence (yellow): I think I can jump out without her noticing and run and get that ball. Bwaa-ha-ha.
Harris (green): I am so happy. I am just a happy happy boy. Maybe someone will give me a ball.
Happy Holidays to all!!!
Love the Santa letters!
Posted by: Dawn (KitchenTravels) | 12/04/2013 at 11:00 AM