How am I barely getting post a month up!? I have the best intentions, lord knows I have enough photos, but I still am not getting as many updates up here as I intended. The boys are continuing to change daily and they are getting more mobile and strong. Their personalities are shining, they are sleeping better, they're easier to take out and about during the weekends. Better and fun all around.
Antonio continues to be our charmer. He has the biggest smile. He wakes up laughing. He is the easist to get to sleep, he naps like a champ and he loves to be out and about. He still steals toys, but his brothers are getting more assertive. He is up on all fours, but isn't crawling yet. He used to be fine with not moving around much, but now that his brothers are moving around, he is getting more motivated.
Harris is our MOVER. He can crawl anywhere he wants, he can pull himself up anywhere and he wants to be standing almost all the time. We had to move his bed down this week since He is now getting up in the morning and standing in his bed. Harris is so sweet, has a big smile with a dimple just like his Uncle Matt.
Oh Lawrence. You are going to be the one that gives us gray hairs. Lawrence does NOT. STOP. MOVING. He also REFUSES. TO. NAP. He also WANTS TO BITE EVERYONE. Lawrence is all capital letters for us. He knows a ton of words that he says already: mama, dada, dog, don't (and he says this with a pointed finger), brother, lala (for Amelia). I think there are more... He is our vampire baby, and constantly wants to bite his brothers on the head. If you sit next to him at dinner, he will spend the entire time trying to bite your arm. He knows he's not supposed to, so he stares at your eyes while he's about to do it, and when you catch him, he smiles and his eyes sparkle. He's the one who won't stop splashing in the bath as high as the water will go.
Here's my happy trio:
Also - here's me in approximately 1973 with the triplet boys I grew up with. I'm in the green shirt and ringlets. (Hi McCauley triplets wherever you are!) Who know one day I'd have my own.