In the morning Amelia is sometimes like those people on the Google ads where they run stream of consciousness through a variety of topics. She also throws in random facts for good measure like the kid from Jerry McGuire. For example, this morning, Amelia's stream began to run at an extremely odd point and then continued:
Amelia: Momma, if I was trapped in an ice globe, I could kick my way out of it because I am so strong at kicking.
Me: Wow, that's exciting.
Amelia: Yes, and I would first kick at North America because that is where we live, then South America and then crash boom I would break through the ice!
Me: Mmmm…
Amelia: If things fall on the ground like glass or ice, they are breakable.
Me: That's right.
Amelia: But the walkee talkees that grandma bought us aren't breakable, they are good for talking and if you drop them then they bounce a little, but you shouldn't drop them on purpose because they are still breakable.
Me: …. (I need my coffee to keep up)
Amelia: Devan dropped a cookie at school yesterday and it broke when it fell on the ground. I bet a cookie jar could break too if it fell when it lands on the ground. If I was trapped in a cookie jar, instead of kicking my way out, I would just eat and eat and eat cookies until I got soooo fat that I broke out of the cookie jar. Wouldn't that be smart?
Me: That would be so smart.
Amelia: Did you know we are just like Giraffes?
Me: (??) In what way?
Amelia: We have bones and blood.